Contact Us


Rivers of Yarrambat
28 Kurrak Road
Yarrambat, VIC, 3091

Phone Number

+61 (3) 9436 3200


Please note our phones are only attended during business hours. If you are calling after hours, please leave a message and we will return your call the next business day.

Cafe enquiries + bookings: book online here or phone (03) 9436 3210

The Barrow + Terrace enquiries: phone (03) 9436 3230


Wedding + Function enquiries: please click here or phone (03) 9436 3215

Conference enquiries: please click here or phone (03) 9436 3215


Garden Centre enquiries: phone (03) 9436 3220 or email

The Shop enquiries: phone (03) 9436 3240 or email


Marketing + PR opportunities: please email


*Please note we no longer offer our community fundraising program, but we do donate monthly to a nominated charity. These charities are featured  at the register  points at The Shop and The Cafe.